Attached at the Heart: Eight Proven Parenting Principles for Raising Connected and Compassionate Children
- Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker,
Founders of Attachment Parenting International
The authors present the most comprehensive and scientifically- supported theory of infant development I have ever seen, with
practical applications for promoting optimum emotional, social,
intellectual and physical development. Supported by research
findings from many fields, they make an excellent case for adopting
a respectful, responsive and relationship-oriented infant-rearing
The authors are the founders of Attachment Parenting International, a nonprofit parent education/support organization. Nicholson is the mother of four grown children and has a Master’s degree in Education. Parker is the mother of two grown children and has a Master’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies.
This book translates the neuroscientific research findings about children's brain development into language we non-neuroscientists can understand. It describes the damage caused when infants are left to “cry it out.” For example, brain-imaging studies have shown that prolonged, uncomforted crying causes toxic stress chemicals to wash over the brain, opioids to be withdrawn and pain circuits in the brain to be activated. Over time, babies’ anti-anxiety systems can become altered, which increases their risk for depression and for anxiety disorders. Babies’ brains can become wired for bodily hyperarousal, which can result in high blood pressure, poor sleep, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, headaches, eating and digestive disorders and/or other problems.
Attachment Parenting International is a non-profit organization "with a mission to educate and support all parents in raising secure, joyful and empathic children in order to strengthen families and create a more compassionate world."
Go to this website to learn more about responsive parenting principles and science-supported infant-rearing practices. Here you will find FAQs by topic and the "API Speaks" blog with comments from parents. You can join the book club "API Reads," sign up for API's free e-newsletters, attend an API Live Teleseminar, become a member of API and receive "The Attached Family" magazine, learn how to start a Support Group and become an accredited Leader. You can also shop in the API Store and API Marketplace, make a donation, advertise with API, become active in API's social networking and/or volunteer on a project or on an ongoing basis to help serve families.
- Margot Sunderland, child psychotherapist
This is an excellent book for parents: very readable, with many colorful photos, case studies and options for parents to try, as well as support from relevant research. It is also recommended for anyone who counsels parents, so that their recommendations are based on evidence and not on pure opinion.
The author is a child psychotherapist, the Director of Education and Training for the Centre for Child Mental Health in London, and the author of over 20 books on child mental health.
La Leche League International is the premier breastfeeding resource in the world and was one of the first organizations in the U.S. to promote a parenting style that is warm, responsive and respectful of babies' needs and feelings. LLL can provide all the information you could ever want about breastfeeding and any needed support for those who have questions or need assistance.
La Leche League can refer you to local Leaders for help with breastfeeding and parenting issues or concerns. It has local information/support groups in many areas, offers many books and parenting products - including its wonderful book entitled "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding - has many online forums available, and publishes a bi-monthly magazine entitled "New Beginnings."
Parenting for a Caring World
Your Resource for CARE Parenting
Conscious, Attuned, Responsive and Empathetic
"Secure Babies, Strong Children, Successful Adults"