The following papers are for those of you who wish to delve more deeply into certain topics and for those who would like to learn more about our sources.
Parenting for a Caring World
"Secure Babies, Strong Children, Successful Adults"
Your Resource for CARE Parenting
Conscious, Attuned, Responsive and Empathetic
♦ For those of you who would like to read a fascinating comparison of the
child-rearing methods of two hunter-gatherer-gardener cultures and
the characteristics and values of the adults they produced, with a
discussion of the implications for modern American society and its
child-rearing goals and methods, click on the title below:
♦ For those who'd like to critically examine the behavioristic, independence-
training theory that has been influencing American infant-rearing for
decades, and to compare and contrast it with the theory of optimum
psychosocial development click on the title below. The paper begins with a
chart and then goes on to the narrative.
We recommend you also:
♦ Take a break with the Humor page.